Saturday, September 5, 2009

Infrared Images of the Scarborough Marsh

The images that follow were made with a converted Nikon 5400 digital camera to black and white infrared. The conversion was done by Life Pixel and I would highly recommend them. The Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center was where we set out from. It is located on Pine Road, Scarborough , Maine. (207 883-5100). This is a central location in the marsh. From there you can either go out to the ocean or head up river to explore for hours of great paddling/birding/or just plan relaxing out in the sun. These infrared images just begin to give you an idea of what the marsh is like, but I like them because of their graphic look which I find very pleasing in an Ansel Adams kind of way. (When I'm working with the infrared Nikon 5400, I ask myself , "What would Ansel do?" ) . I look for strong compositional images which is a lot easier to say then to do, I have to admit. At the end of this day I set my Nikon 5400 on the hood of the jeep, got distracted and got in the jeep and drove away. I looked in the rear view mirror and watched the camera explode as it hit the road at 50mph! I was able to save the CF card and the images you see here were on it.

Hope you enjoy these images of the Scarborough Marsh.

Peter Manship

Story and images © 2009 Peter Manship

1 comment:

Don and Sher said...

The images are just fantastic, very nice job. I have only fooled around with infrared in PS will have to give this a try.

Sorry about your camera.