Thursday, April 23, 2009

Long-tailed Duck on Lake Pauline Ludlow Vt

Today a Long-tailed Duck landed on Lake Pauline for about a minute or two visit. Lucky for me I was standing at the kitchen window when it did and my camera was on the table. Here are some of the photos. When the duck first landed, it kept looking up towards the sky which made me think that the duck was wondering just what had happened. (I was flying along nice and minding my own business, heading north and all of a sudden I'm down here on Lake Pauline Ludlow Vt.) Which after a quick check of its surroundings - was gone. After posting to VTbird I went looking for the Long-tailed Duck on the other lakes in the area. It was no where to be found. I received an email (thanks Betty) that reminded me about Murin and Pfeiffer's Birdwatching in Vermont which says that Long-tailed Ducks are most abundant on Lake Champlain, well out from shore during the fall migration but can also be seen on other Vermont lakes and ponds in small numbers. Anyhow, one very short but sweet moment of Vermont birding here on Lake Pauline in Ludlow.


All rights reserved ©2009 Peter Manship

1 comment:

Don and Sher said...

Nice shots, I have never seen one before.